Wednesday 12 November 2008

Jigot of Lamb

That being the Scots way of spelling gigot. You'll serve it on an ashet. Thus we indicate that despite our geographical position on the extremity of the continent, our culture is substantially European.

Stud a leg of lamb with three or four cloves of garlic and some anchovy fillets (one small tin or half a jar). Brush with olive oil, thyme, rosemary and black pepper. No sea salt; the anchovies will be enough. Roast for 10 minutes a pound for pink (15 or more for well done) plus quarter of an hour. Reduce the cooking juices with a dash of white wine and a knob of butter. Serve with haricot beans and potatoes.

1 comment:

Oberon said...

.......mmmmmmm......join globalove think tank.